4 Cleaning and Organizing Trends for a Sparkling Home

Each home is different and so is the way you clean and organize it. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with the amount of housework lately, perhaps it’s time to change something. Here are top five cleaning concepts that people all around the world are welcoming right now.

KonMari Method

Probably the most popular one on the list, the method comes from the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Japanese author Marie Kondo. The author believes that we should get rid of all the things that don’t “spark joy” but just make our homes cluttered.

Leo Babauta Method

Babauta’s approach is to clean as you go. Wash those few dishes after eating, dust the shelf when you notice it needs it…

Sandra Felton Method

American businesswoman Sandra Felton created a system that will help you stay on top of the mess in your home. The main principle is to have a designated place for each item you own and return everything to its place after use.

Marla Cilley Method

This author believes that you shouldn’t devote your weekends to cleaning – 15 minutes per day should be enough. She advises you to take a timer and clean for exactly 15 minutes. Go to a different room – or zone – every day and dust and clean the floors once per week.