With party season well and truly upon us, your skin may well be feeling the strain. The combination of late nights, alcohol consumption, and wearing a little more makeup than usual can lead to dryness, breakouts, and general dullness. Check out these tips on how to care for your skin during this season, and prep it before a party so you have that healthy, enviable glow.
Double Moisturize
Lock in moisture by doubling up with a rich cream and a lightweight serum. Start with the cream and give it a good five minutes to sink in. Work it in by using circular motions, and tap gently to stimulate blood flow, especially on your cheeks where dullness can be problematic. Then, layer over a serum that will seal your moisturizers and provide some much-needed glow.
Try Primer
Even if you don’t use a primer in your standard routine, it may be worth considering investing for your party looks. Primers can help your skin retain moisture, blur the look of pores and spots, and reduce oil if this is something you struggle with. Once your moisturizer has been absorbed, try a thin layer of primer and give it plenty of time to sink in before you apply your foundation.
Remove Your Makeup
It’s an age-old adage, and it remains as true now as it has always—remember to take your makeup off after the event. This can be a struggle when you’re feeling a little worse for wear at the end of the night, but you will see the results in your skin the next day. Gently wipe off eye makeup with micellar water, before using an oil-based cleanser to thoroughly clean your skin.