Makeup Revolution is Wrapping Up Summer With Amazing Pop Culture-Themed Collections

Pop culture-themed collections have always been Makeup Revolution’s forte, and they pleasantly surprise us every time they release a new one. They’re wrapping up summer with some pretty amazing news drops, and here are three that got everyone talking.


Grease celebrated its 45th anniversary this year, but its influence on pop culture lingers to this day. Fashion and makeup looks from this musical truly stood the taste of time, and Makeup Revolution will help you channel your inner Pink Lady with one of their latest makeup lines.

Monsters Inc.

Makeup Revolution’s collaboration with Disney is a gift that keeps on giving. One of their latest collections together pays homage to a timeless Pixar classic Monsters Inc. and its sequel Monsters University, and it does a great job capturing the quirky spirit of these beloved animated movies.

Emily in Paris

Emily in Paris is one of the most popular 2020s shows set in the world of fashion, and it was just a matter of time before one of our favorite makeup brands dropped a collection inspired by it. Makeup Revolution decided to join forces with Netflix for a line of products that will help you put a Parisian glam twist on your makeup looks that would put Emily to shame.