Netflix Releases New Shuffle Feature

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Netflix has release a new random shuffle feature that aims to help the most indecisive of viewers.

For some reason, no matter how decisive we are in other areas of our life, deciding what to watch on Netflix is often a real challenge. We’ve spent many a restless evening scrolling through Netflix, shrugging at our partner’s suggestions, and ending up watching nothing as a result of not being able to agree.

In response to our collective indecisiveness, Netflix has rolled out a new feature designed to make random suggestions to viewers. The feature will help you choose what to watch when you have no idea what you are in the mood for.

At the moment, Netflix are just testing out the feature but if it works, they plan to make it a permanent addition to the platform.

“The purpose of the test is to make it easier for members to find something to watch,” a Netflix spokesperson told Variety. “The hope is to absolutely productize something.”

The button will be available to those watching Netflix on smart TVs.

What do you think? Can you get behind the Netflix feature?