The Best Netflix Shows to Get you Cooking

Grant Achatz in "Chef's Table"

If you love watching cooking shows, we have the best ones to binge in the new year. Cooking shows are fun and educational, as you can learn a lot about different cultures through their food habits.

The Great British Bake Off

If your specialty is baking (or you’d like it to be), this is the show for you. Unlike many culinary competitions, this one doesn’t have a money prize so the contestants are much more relaxed while baking.

The Final Table

In The Final Table, you can see chefs from all over the world making their favorite international dishes. It’ll give you many dinner ideas, so make sure to write down the recipes!

Chef’s Table

Not only you will get a look at how some amazing meals are made, but in Chef’s Table, you’ll also learn about the background of some of the best chefs in the world. There’s one chef per episode and we get to meet him or her as well as their dish throughout the episode.