This New Scandinavian Trend Will Make You Consider Adventures

The last few years have brought us a number of Scandinavian trends we still love. Thanks to hygge and lagom, we’ve perfected the art of staying comfy and cozy at home. They also showed us how to stay happy and have a positive outlook on life.

Today we wanted to talk about sisu, a Finnish concept of inner strength that some also call “a key to life”.

Sisu is that feeling that pushes you outside of your comfort zone. It is described as “stoic determination, the tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and hardiness,” and the Finns are proud to have it as a national trait.

Sisu is a type of mental toughness that allows you to bear the burden of your responsibilities, whatever they happen to be, with a will and perseverance that is unbreakable.

Practicing sisu is an important step in overcoming daily stresses and struggles. Sisu will make you change your behavior patterns and be braver in all aspects of your life. After all, you never know where a few different decisions can take you in the large scheme of things. One small step today can lead to a whole new life in the future.