Tie-Dye Print is Being Replaced with Something Else This Fall

Photo by Olivia O'Connor on Unsplash

The changes in the fashion industry have never been more exciting. It seems like there are new trends emerging right now so it’s getting impossible to try them all, but if you don’t let them overwhelm you and simply enjoy all the new ideas the designers are coming up with, you’re up for some great fun. We’ve seen the tie-dye trend rising during the past few seasons and it made us feel like we’re living in the ’70s, but now it’s time to try something else.

The new print that’s replacing tie-dye this fall is checkerboard. It’s available on knitted clothes, sneakers, accessories, and other items and it will become our next go-to print for comfortable lounge clothes. Now that we’re spending more time at home than ever before, it’s important to get the clothes that make us feel good and comfy, and items in checkerboard print can easily check those boxes.

The trend was started by luxury designers like Louis Vuitton but it’s already all over Instagram and your favorite high-street brands, so it won’t be difficult to spot something you like. What do you think about this new trend?