Best Ways to Embrace the Viral Next-Level Charcuterie Trend

Charcuterie boards are going stronger than ever right now, and they’re taking many different shapes and forms. If you want to embrace this trend—or maybe even start a new charcuterie craze—these are the best ways to do it.


Creating charcuterie boards with meat and cheese is no longer in, and sweets are all the rage. Fruit, hot chocolate, and sundae boards all went viral in 2020, and if you want to start a new craze, using candy is your safest bet.

Foreign Cuisine

If you enjoy trying specialties of different cuisines around the world, how about doing it in the charcuterie board form? Boards inspired by Mexican cuisine had a moment in 2020, especially taco boards, but this trend can be embraced with delicious treats from many other countries around the world.

Go Small

A “go big or go home” approach won’t cut it when it comes to charcuterie boards. It’s been done over and over again and the trick to creating something special is doing something small. Jarcuterie is the best example of scaling down the classic charcuterie board and we’re expecting this minimalistic approach will become even more popular.