“Cleanfluencing” Is an Instagram Trend That Will Motivate You to Clean Your Home

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

We often complain that social media makes us less productive, so users decided to change that. Motivating photos and videos are not a new thing, but this Instagram trend is pretty specific and seems to be doing the trick.

You can find it under the hashtag #cleanfluencers or #cleanfluencing – it’s a movement aimed at inspiring you (and everyone else) to get up and clean your home. It sounds so simple, but as long as it’s making people do something productive instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds, we’ll take it!

Once your home is spotless, you can take your own photos of it and post it using the same hashtag, so you inspire others to join you. They say that cleaning has therapeutic effects, and this way you won’t feel alone while doing it.

It’s all about making boring chores more interesting!