Funny Hamilton Jokes and Memes That Aren’t Just for Fans

Originally published on our site

We love Hamilton so much. we couldn’t stop listening to all the music since the first cast recording came out, and now that it’s on Disney Plus and we finally got a chance to watch it for ourselves, we love it even more. So these memes here are for all the Hamilfans out there to laugh at and enjoy together. So don’t wait for it, and dive right in.

Actually, I would

Hamilton’s political acumen was out of this world, as his deal to pass his financial plan proves. He took a losing strategy and figured out that where the United States capital is really doesn’t matter all that much except for semantics.

Actually, I would

But the financial system that the country is built on matters a whole lot, so the trade he proposed was a win for all, only they didn’t know that he was the biggest winner.

Blending right in

This is so funny, that we really have nothing else to add to this, meme-wise. But one thing that we would like to touch on is the brilliant move by Lin to keep the same actors who portray different characters between acts 1 and 2.

Blending right in

It symbolizes how Hamilton’s friends are all gone, and who he once thought he could count on are now the people who are now bringing trouble into his world.

About that…

Back in the good old days, if someone was involved in a scandal, that pretty meant much the end of their political aspirations, as Hamilton found out. After Hamilton’s Maria Reynolds scandal, he retreated back into his private life and never ran for office.

About that…

It looks like nowadays the same standards don’t exactly apply, and unfortunately, we can think of a person or two who did far worse things than Hamilton, but still ended up getting elected regardless.

The reason for the success

Lin Manuel Miranda might be a super talented guy, but we all have to admit that he owes quite a bit of his success to the fact that Burr rhymes with sir.

The reason for the success

If the two didn’t rhyme, there wouldn’t be very much lyrical real estate for Miranda to work with, and we might not have gotten the masterpiece that Hamilton is. Maybe it wouldn’t have even been rap and would have just been a boring textbook instead.

Expectation vs. Reality

When it comes down to it, we’re all just big softies, who like our Hamilton music, and don’t really care what anybody else thinks. Sure, we might display a tough exterior, but deep down, we really can’t stop humming our favorite Hamilton tunes (or as we like to call them: Hamiltunes).

Expectation vs. Reality

So, the next time you see some tough guy nodding his head to the beat, just remember that he’s probably just listening to ‘It’s quiet uptown’ and crying on the inside.

Hold up

You thought that Alexander was the only Hamilton to be unfaithful to his partner? Ell, think again because this can easily explain why Philip Hamilton looks so much like Laurens.

Hold up

Maybe, Eliza and Laurens had a little get-together at some point, which resulted in Philip looking exactly like him. But if that theory was true, then how would we explain the fact that Jefferson and Lafayette look the same? That’s a good question.

Originally published on our site