Hilarious Design Disasters and Apparel Accidents That Will Have You Rolling on the Floor Laughing

Originally published on our site tettybetty.com

From spelling errors on graphic tees, to messing up the print jobs on apparel, to just overall clothing that seems dysfunctional and illogical, here are some of the craziest and funniest clothing fails caught on camera.

These design disasters will have you rolling on the floor laughing from disbelief, and asking yourself what were these designers thinking? But what’s even funnier is that some people actually purchased and wore some of these fashion flops—yikes!

Have you been able to catch one of these apparel accidents?

A Vicious Knock-Off

Oh how the tables have turned. While the popular clothing line, Polo’s logo is of a horseback Polo player riding on their pony with a mallet in hand, it looks like this brand decided to mimic their idea by using the same figures but in a different form.

That’s right, this Polo knock-off is of a horse with a mallet in hand, riding what seems to be the polo game player.

A Vicious Knock-Off

The logo might be a little vicious with the pony’s gleaming red eyes, but we can’t deny that this attempt at a Polo shirt knock off is a hilarious attempt at it!

“Never Do You Best, Quit”

There are a few factors that go into good graphic design for graphic-Ts like this. Typically, it’s all in the font and placement. And while the font choice is quite catchy, this hysterical and epic clothing fail right here totally messed up the text placement!

If you read the big letters and small letters separately, then you get: “Never quit” and “Do your best”. Which is quite a solid positive and motivational quote. Right?

“Never Do You Best, Quit”

However, if you read it altogether then it reads as, “Never do you best, quit”. Whoops!

Giddy on Up Outta Here

Oh my. Can someone please explain to us, what exactly is going on with this pair of shoes right here? Not only are we baffled that something like this even exists, but someone actually purchased them and is wearing these in public. How hilarious!

Giddy on Up Outta Here

It seems like this idea of morphing summer sandals with cowboy boots might’ve sounded really cool during a brainstorm session back at headquarters, but we can’t necessarily say that the physical product is anything close to a success. All that’s left to say here is that they better giddy on up outta here!

A Whoopsie Poopsie Mistake

One of the most important factors to consider when designing a general graphic tee like this one, is the placement of the text.

It looks like this T-shirt has the word “Saturday” written in big red letters, but because of the spacing and placement of the letters, it’s spelled out far less appetizing.

A Whoopsie Poopsie Mistake

Just like this lady right here, if anyone who has this shirt wears a sweater or scarf, the best day of the week atomically becomes “turd”. Whoopsie!

Fake It ‘Til You Make It

The zipper seems a little misplaced considering that this is just a regular T-shirt, and the zipper is on the collar—and only the collar—but we can’t deny that this feature sort of sets it apart from any other typical T-shirt.

Fake It ‘Til You Make It

We’re not really sure what happened here, but this basically looks like a classic “Fake It ‘Til You Make It” kind of mistake. And what we mean by that is that this clothing fail actually seemed to work out in the end!

Stripes & Sickly Yellow Spots

We can’t blame you if looking at this shirt might make you want to yack all over the place—considering the fact that it looks like someone yacked all over it. Not just that, but even the stripes, designed to be all over the place just like those yellow splotches of color, is all over the place. Why is the majority of the shirt and pocket stripes vertical, while there’s a random square patch below it that’s horizontal?

Stripes & Sickly Yellow Spots

Perhaps if the shirt wasn’t already patterned with stripes, and the blots and spots of color were anything but a sickly yellow, then maybe, just maybe, the design would be acceptable.

Originally published on our site tettybetty.com