How to Become a Better Reader in 2020

Photo by iam Se7en on Unsplash

“More reading” is something many of us put on our New Year’s resolution lists, but it’s never easy to find time for it.

Even when you sit down to finally get some reading done, how focused on it are you really? Most people can’t help but think about other stuff, too, and we totally get that. This is especially prominent if you squeeze reading in together with other activities like commuting or running on a treadmill while listening to an audiobook.

If you can’t take time to just read and do nothing else at the same time, ask yourself if reading really is a priority for you. If it is, get serious about it.

Always remember it’s not about how many books you read, but what you get from them. Give yourself plenty of time alone with the book and don’t feel guilty about it. You don’t have to read every latest bestseller, you only have to read things you actually want to read.

“Slow reading” is the trend we need to remind us of the values of reading that made us fall in love with books in the first place.