Most of us, the pre-internet generation, remembers the time we spent outside as kids, playing and exploring all day long. When we were not out, our homes made for pretty neat playgrounds, offering lava floors, cup phones and chairs and sheets as tents and forts. And suddenly, everything changed.
With the prevalence of modern technology, kids today have infinite entertainment options and they are all only a click away. They require much less effort and seemingly more fun, but they are not healthy for child’s development, physically or mentally.
Because so many kids don’t even know what it’s like to play outside, the Explore Nature (Spielwarenmesse in German) trend is here to remind everybody about the benefits of spending time in nature and exploring the world.
Watching insects and animals in their natural habitat, building tiny boats that float on water, planting their own little garden are just some of the activities that will help kids connect with the world around.