It’s August, that special month when it still feels like summer outside but you’re already looking forward to autumn and everything that comes with it. So what nail trends go along best with this in-between month? Here are a few that are worth trying out.
Retro Nails
This retro swirl pattern, which is a reference to design trends of the 60s and 70s, has been huge in nail art this year and is particularly popping this August as it perfectly captures the spirit of the last month of summer.
Melon Nails
Another huge nail trend for August this year is bright colors in more muted tones like you see in these melon nails. Whether you just take inspiration from the colors of honeydew and cantaloupe melons or go with a full-on melon-inspired design, seeds and all, both are perfect for this time of year.
Matching With the Mask
This inspo pic actually shows two nail trends for this month: matching your manicure to your mask (or your mask chain) and multi-colored manis in which each nail is a different color.