Neon Yellow Hair.. Yay or Nay?

Ten years ago, there were a handful of colors you could dye your hair. You could go blonde, brunette, black, red or a bright color that would have you branded as an attention seeker by your friends at school.

Now, we have a hard time keeping up with the latest hair color trends and we’ve found ourselves drooling over periwinkle bobs and unicorn ponytails in a way we could not have foreseen. Trying out a new color can be a fun way to shake up your style and a new celebrity hair transformation trends every day.

Sometimes though, trends come up that we’re not 100% sure about and one of these is neon yellow. We’ve just about found a way to embrace the trend in our wardrobe, but neon yellow hair just seemed a bit… far out.

Today though, we saw that Hailey Beiber has dyed her hair neon yellow and we’re suddenly thinking that the wild hairstyle isn’t embarrassing at all. In fact, it’s kinda awesome, right?

Yay or Nay? Tell us your vote in the comments below.