From the outskirts at least, it seems that the Nordic people have discovered the secret to happiness. Time and time again we see countries like Finland, Norway, and Denmark, rank highest in the “happiest countries” lists. The main reasons might include factors like high income, good governance, and an overall caring for others. But there’s also that unique Scandinavian lifestyle. Words like hygge and lagom jump to mind, with an emphasis on well-being and relaxation.
These days, a new trend is on the rise: Skimbaco. Finnish entrepreneur Katja Presnal explains that she invented the phrase back in 2007, when she lived in Durango, Colorado. The term itself is a made-up combination of “Skimba” (a Finnish slang word for a ski) and “co”, which stands for Colorado.
“Skiing in Colorado was our way of living life to the fullest back then,” Presnal further explained. But Skimbaco doesn’t necessarily mean skiing in Colorado. Rather, the term is meant to inspire others to live life to the fullest, whatever that means to each person.
“Skimbaco is enjoying the moment where you are—you define your own skimbaco,” writes Presnal on her website where she promotes the Skimbaco lifestyle. “Skimbaco is the nordic lifestyle of having guts to go after your dreams, and finding happiness in your everyday life.” According to Presnal, Skimbaco is best understood as a combination of sisu, hygge, and lagom. The Nordic equivalent to YOLO.
In order to promote this lifestyle, Presnal also has a dedicated Instagram page, where she shares some pearls of wisdom. Skimbaco tips are often understood as a call for action. A recent post reads: “Do more than just write to-do lists in pretty notebooks”. “Happiness is action that you take everyday,” says Presnal. “Happiness is gratitude for what you have. Happiness is having guts to pursue big dreams.”
Presnal’s call for action might just inspire us to get out of our PJs! But then again…