Sea Shanties are Taking Over TikTok

TikTok is known for its dance trends and viral songs and the latest addition happens to come from the centuries-old tradition of sea shanties. Sea shanties are sailors’ work songs from the days of sailing ships when they manipulated heavy sails with ropes from positions on the deck. One shantyman was chosen on his seamanship to lead the crew in a call-and-response chorus as they worked. Often the shantyman had no musical talent so the songs weren’t the most vocally appealing.

Shanties are taking off all over TikTok and Scottish TikToker Nathan Evanss is one of the most popular users giving his rendition of the songs. Among his shanties is “Wellerman”, a song of New Zealand origin that dates back to the 19th century, and “Leave Her Johnny”.

And Evanss isn’t the only TikToker who’s been recording shanties. The duet function of the platform is perfect for the call-and-response aspect of the shanty and users have found creative ways to put their own spin on the songs. They’ve even added instruments like violins and fiddles as well as harmonies.

We have to admit that of all the TikTok trends to come from the COVID-19 pandemic, shanties are one of the most wholesome and enjoyable.