Summer’s Makeup Trends are Bringing the Drama

Summer makeup trends.
Photo by Samantha Kandinsky from Pexels

Step aside minimalist makeup looks, this summer is all about bold colors and tons of drama. Gone are the days when we wore less makeup in the summer—it’s time to make a major statement and these new trends are as hot as the weather. Are you ready to start experimenting and having fun with your makeup? Here are a few trends to master this summer.

Gradient Glitter Cat Eye

Instead of rocking a classic cat eye throw some glitter into the mix. A graphic glitter wing is eye-catching and it will elevate your look. For some extra drama, use different sizes and colors of glitter.

Frosted Lipstick

This looks screams the ’90s and no one will be ready for what have you hidden behind your mask. We promise your lips will look super voluptuous and kissable.

Watercolor Eyes

Don’t be afraid to have some fun with your makeup by using all of the colors in your eyeshadow palette. This look is perfect for rocking all throughout pride month in June.

White Eye Shadow

If you’re into more subtler looks, this white eye shadow look is perfect for you. Your eyes will look instantly brighter like you got hours of sleep.