The Acne Positive Movement is Taking Over Social Media

Do you remember growing up and getting a pimple and being so embarrassed that you tried anything to cover it up? We’ve all been there and acne is natural. The most recent beauty movement, the #acnepositive, which is associated with #skinpositivity, #acenesolutions, and #acnecommunity, is about letting your acne shine through.

Acne affects almost everyone between the ages of 11 to 30, which makes it hard to see why it’s been so taboo for so long. Acne can interfere with everyday life affecting everything from socializing to work performances and relationships. And while teenage acne is hard, adult acne is even harder because acne is considered to be a teenage problem.

During COVID-19 many of us have experienced acne flare-ups due to wearing masks and it’s been incredibly difficult to see a condition we thought was behind us.

The acne positive movement aims to destigmatize the condition and to show us that everyone suffers from pimples, regardless of their status. The movement actually started online as a way to stand up against filters and social media. And since then, it has allowed acne sufferers to regain control of their skin and to normalize skin conditions.

It’s about time we started accepting ourselves for everything that makes us beautiful and unique because acne is the least interesting thing about us.