2019 is quickly coming to an end, which means we’re close to entering a new year. A new year brings trends on all fronts and when it comes to traveling, these are the biggest trends you can expect to see in 2020, according to Booking.
Exploring New Destinations
Traveling to lesser-known destinations in order to prevent the negative effects mass tourism has on the big, popular cities and places will be trendy next year. Eco-friendly destinations will be especially popular.
The role technology has on travel will only continue to grow. We’re already used to looking up recommendations about places to visit and things to do at a certain destination, and this industry will keep developing.
Slow Travel
In 2020, we’ll finally learn to slow down and stop trying to see as many landmarks in a short period of time. More and more travelers agree that it’s important to slow down and think of the environment while enjoying the moment at any given time during the trip.
An ideal trip in 2020 should offer a number of different activities and attractions to choose from. Since we typically work a lot and don’t have too much free time, traveling is an opportunity to try something new and have fun.
A number of travelers who put their pets’ needs as a priority keeps growing. More and more people choose destinations based on the accommodation and activities available for their pets.
A growing number of grandparents will travel with their grandkids in 2020, which helps them feel young again.