Most kids enjoy dressing up as their parents around the age of three, but this girl has upped the game with her own Instagram account. Hollie Lawlor is from Dublin, Ireland, and is gaining followers quickly thanks to her adorable style.
Not a day goes by that Hollie doesn’t dress up like her favorite fashionistas – Erika Fox, Dominique Nugent, Melissa Carter, etc. – and shares the photos on her favorite social network. The photos are perfect every single time!
Her mom Pamela says that her baby’s personality as it comes across in the photos is 100% authentic.
“Hollie is full of sass, and loves having her photos taken,” Pamela says. “Last year she asked Santa for a white Mini Cooper because ‘my mammy has one.'”
Pamela adds that Hollie could recognize the brand names and logos when she was just two. Chances are, we’re gonna see much more of this fashionista in the years to come.