This Viral Food Hack Will Change the Way You Eat Your Tortillas

Photo by Manjunath Kammar on Unsplash

Even if tortillas happen to be your favorite dish, you must admit it’s difficult to eat them without making a mess—but the latest TikTok food craze is here to change that. The viral tortilla wraps trend is everywhere right now and it’ll make you see this Mexican dish in a whole new light.

It’s not that difficult to see why people are going crazy about this rising trend since it happens to be practical, quick, and easy to make at the same time. Eating tortillas rolled up isn’t always ideal because it’s difficult to stop the ingredients from falling out, but our struggle is finally over thanks to this TikTok trend.

To make your own triangle-shaped wrap, you’ll have to cut your tortilla from the bottom to the middle. Once it’s separated into four quadrants, top each one with the ingredients of your choice before folding your tortilla into a triangle-shaped wrap. You can use a panini press or a pan to toast it, getting a delicious tortilla along the way.

In addition to being practical, this innovative folding technique allows you to perfectly divide the ingredients, getting the perfect amount of all of them with each bite. To make the whole thing even better, you can try making both sweet and savory tortillas, and this tutorial will help you to get it done.