Have you considered getting a black Christmas tree for this holiday season? If you have, you’re definitely not alone; black trees are so popular right now that they are on their way to become a classic, along with green and white trees.
Black Christmas trees were a huge hit last year, and it seems like their popularity is only growing. There are over 13,000 results on Instagram under the hashtag #blackchristmastree and we must admit that some of them look particularly elegant and beautiful.
Using black details in an interior is nothing new. In fact, you can never go wrong with black since it’s a classic, just like in the fashion world. But black Christmas trees seemed like a breakthrough idea at first, until people accepted them and turned them into an easy way to keep their homes monochromatic even during the holidays. If you have plenty of color in your home, a black tree will stand out, and you can create the effect you want by decorating it in your favorite style.
What do you think about black Christmas trees?