TikTok’s Teaching Us How to Use Popular Kitchen Utensils

Over the past few months, TikTok has taught us some amazing things and one of them happens to be learning our way around our kitchen. Just when we’ve thought we’ve learned the best kitchen hacks, another one comes along to make our lives preparing food that much easier. Here are some of our go-to hacks we’ve picked up from TikTok.

How to Use a Strainer

Well, it turns out we’ve been draining our pasta wrong this whole time—you’re not actually supposed to put the strainer in the sink. You should be taking the strainer and placing it directly into the pot and then pouring the water out into the silk. This results in less stray pasta ending up in the sink and less of a change of burning yourself.

How to Get Stains Out of Tupperware

Tomato sauce stained Tupperware is no match for this hack. All you have to do is put some dish soap in the container and add warm water and then tear up some paper towel and put it into the container. Put the lid on and shake the container for 45 seconds to a minute. Then rinse the soap water and paper towel out. It really is that easy!

How to Fill Ice Cube Trays

Filling up ice cube trays always takes longer than we’d like and without fail, we end up getting splashed. It turns out that the flat spots on ice cube trays have a purpose—you just have to run water over one of thee spots and the water disperses into all four of the surrounding cubes.