33+ Funny Texts We Have to See To Believe

Originally published on our site 5dwallpaper.com

We all like to think of ourselves as having a great sense of humor, whether it’s being the laugh of the party on a night out with your friends or sending hilarious memes to your loved ones.

But there’s no doubt that sometimes the funniest things happen when firing off a quick text—whether you meant to be funny or not. Let’s take a look at some of the funniest text exchanges of all time.

Designated Driver

We all appreciate that one friend on a night out who has to stay clear-headed to make sure everyone else gets home safe after an evening of too many.

Designated Driver

Often these designated drivers have to have the patience of a saint, after they have dealt with their inebriated friends talking nonsense, or in this case, totally wiping out their memories of the evening. We bet they had a good laugh the next day.

Working Remotely

It’s easy to forget these days just how much information is on our phones. Gone are the days when you can just casually lie about where you are or what you’re doing because chances are technology will be able to betray you in some way.

Working Remotely

Check this person out for example. Pretending to be at home working hard, but their Snapchat location shows they are at sea. Pretty lol.

Sweet Dreams

Lol! So many things going wrong here, we just can’t even. This poor person is trying to make conversation with their love interest, but it appears that spelling is going to ruin their chances of ever becoming a real couple.

Sweet Dreams

Because when he tries to casually ask her how her “nite” is going, she doesn't know what it means. And when he explains “night”, she thinks he’s saying goodnight! What a mess.

Locked Up

Here we have a concerned boyfriend taking some instructions he received on the internet perhaps a little too seriously. What guy hasn't posted the occasional thirst trap on Insta with some hilarious accompanying caption referencing how girls need to be hidden from him?

Locked Up

But as you can see, when these jokes are taken literally, it’s actually pretty weird and creepy. We hope he explained it to his girlfriend after.

Level Unlocked

You have to hand it to this person, they clearly will stop at nothing to get a good laugh. They are literally in jail awaiting bail, and they couldn't help but make up a funny joke to play on their mom while letting them go.

Level Unlocked

Most people asking their mom to bail them out would probably take a more serious tone, but this person just couldn't help themselves! Sometimes it really is just all about the comedy.

Mom’s the Word

One of the greatest never-ending sources of amusement in this world is young people’s attempts to teach older people about how the internet works. We don’t mean how to connect or send an email, but the internet subculture of understanding memes and funny ways of speaking.

Mom’s the Word

This poor mom just has no idea what AF means or why even there are such videos as poop-throwing gorillas out there. Let’s be honest, none of us can really explain it either.

Originally published on our site 5dwallpaper.com