What’s CoolSculpting and Does It Really Work?

Woman getting beauty treatment
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

CoolSculpting is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure used to remove excess fat. It’s shown to be effective and its popularity keeps growing, especially in the U.S. So, what is CoolSculpting exactly and how does it work?

The technical name for this procedure is cryolipolysis and it basically means fat freezing. The treatments freeze and kill fat cells, they are not invasive, and have significant benefits over surgical procedures done with the same purpose.

According to a 2009 study, this treatment can reduce the fat layer by up to 25% and the results are still there after six months. The body gets rid of the frozen fat cells through the liver and that process takes several weeks, so the full effect can be seen after around three months.

A possible side effect, although rare, is that CoolSculpting can increase the fat cell volume in some patients (less than 1% cases). The treatment is also not meant to treat obesity. It can only remove small amounts of fat that are left after the patient has explored all the other options, such as diet and exercise.

The results should last indefinitely, which means the killed fat cells aren’t coming back. However, if you gain weight after the treatment, you can get it back in the areas that have been treated.