Why Gut Health is Going to Keep Trending in 2024

Gut health
Photo by Imani Bahati on Unsplash

You may think you’ve heard all there is to hear about gut health over the past few years. From being a relatively unknown topic, it seems now that everyone knows about fermented foods and the best ways to keep your gut microbiome healthy. But this health topic isn’t going anywhere in 2024, in fact, it’s about to become even bigger news. Want to know why? Here are some of the reasons why it’s sticking around as a trending healthcare topic.

Personalized Healthcare

We are entering an era of personalized healthcare, and doctors hope that soon everything from diet to medication can be adapted and changed to suit the needs of an individual. Nowhere is this more true than your gut microbiome—experts have discovered that whilst some advice is true for everyone (eat your greens), people’s guts can react very differently to the same foods and diets. For this reason, more and more of us will be seeking the services of personalized dieticians and gut monitoring devices in 2024, as the technology becomes available for us to track and monitor how different foods influence and impact our bodies.

The Gut-Brain Axis

There is an increasing body of research on the links between gut and brain health, and in 2024 even more work will be done to discover the ways in which diet can affect mood and cognitive processing. This is huge news for anyone who suffers from anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues because it offers hope that finding the right diet could have a significant impact on mental health symptoms.

Pinpoint Nutrition

As technology and monitoring develop, we will be able to pinpoint the areas of nutrition we are lacking in and adapt our diets or supplement intake accordingly. This will have huge implications for our overall health, but especially our digestive health. It has also got fitness experts excited, as with better nutrition comes more gains on the track or in the gym.