2021’s the Year of Functional Fitness

Working out outside
Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

If 2021 has taught us anything, it’s that we don’t need the gym or studios to work out. You can get just as good of a workout outside with functional fitness. Functional training focuses on building your strength and endurance for real-life activities. It’s all about simple and effective movements, so you don’t need special equipment. Here’s how to try the outdoor workout trend.

Take Cardio Outside

Treadmills are boring and monotonous, so ditch them and bring your cardio to a hiking trail, park, or outdoor track. It’s much more exciting than staring at a screen and logging miles. Plus, you’ll get to enjoy the beauty of nature and the health benefits that come with exercising outside.

Use the Stairs and Hills

Integrate outdoor features into your workout like stairs. They’re great for box jumps, high knees, lateral hops, and lunges. Small hills are ideal for elevated push-ups. Incorporate circuits into your routine for a varied, intense workout.

HIIT in the Park

Many functional fitness workouts include HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) to increase your heart rate. Go to the park and do a HIIT workout, which includes short periods of intense cardio exercise (usually 20 seconds) with recovery periods (usually 10 seconds).