Have you started noticing teal pumpkins around your neighborhood lately and wondered what this was about? It’s definitely a new trend, but why are people doing this? Is there anything more to it than aesthetic variety?
There’s actually a cool story behind this. When you learn about it, you will probably like the idea of having teal pumpkins on the porch. Food Allergy Research & Education started a project named Teal Pumpkin Project, trying to make trick-or-treating safer for kids who have food allergies.
If you put a teal pumpkin on your doorstep, it signals that you’re handing non-edible treats instead of candy with ingredients that are harmful to some kids. This way, parents of kids with allergies can plan out a route that will keep their kids safe and happy. FARE’s website even shares a helpful map with the participating addresses so the parents can look up their own neighborhood. Cool, isn’t it?