What Is Jackfruit and How to Eat It?

Image by Reinout Dujardin from Pixabay

Have you tried jackfruit? This healthy vegan meat replacement is very popular right now and loved even by meat lovers. It’s the key ingredient for making delicious barbecue “pork” sandwiches that nobody will believe are vegan!


Jackfruit grows in tropical parts of Southeast Asia, Africa, and Brazil. It’s a relative of figs and breadfruit and technically a fruit, though it’s more similar to chicken and pork.

Young jackfruits have a neutral taste, which means you can season it however you want. Its consistency is stringy, and it gets along great with barbecue sauce. See one way to prepare it in the video below.

Jackfruit is considered a healthy meat replacement because it has no saturated fats or cholesterol. It’s also low in calories and sodium. Each serving comes with 3 grams of fiber and 110 milligrams of potassium, which means it has plenty of health benefits.

The consistency and usage of jackfruit change depending on the level of ripeness of the fruit. When it’s young (or unripe), you can use it as a meat replacement. Ripe jackfruit is eaten like other fresh fruits, except you need to cut it because it’s huge. Ripe jackfruit tastes sweet and can be eaten raw or as a part of a dessert.