Luxurious Microhotels Prove That Bigger Isn’t Always Better

We’ve all heard that sometimes less is more, though we never thought we’d apply it to hotel rooms. But when you think about it, it totally makes sense: why not have smaller hotel rooms that are affordable, when you only need them to sleep in anyway?

Microhotels are on the rise, especially in cities like New York and London. One of the first ones is Arlo, located in Lower Manhattan. This four-star hotel offers 325 rooms that take only 160 square feet each.

These tiny rooms are designed with millennials’ needs in mind. Hotel owners are realizing that this generation prefers open areas and doesn’t need too much private space, so the guests are free to use lounge areas and lobbies to work on their laptops and hang out with the other guests.

What do you think about the microhotel trend? Do you prefer the traditional, bigger rooms instead?